Monday, Jan. 31, 1927
Moya Nova
"O moya nova zastava, moya zemlya the, pozdravly-am."/-
Thus one Jasper K. Elmer responded when a teacher in a Reading, Pa., public school told her pupils to salute the flag. The teacher imagined that Pupil Elmer was insulting her. She did not speak his language. Pupil Elmer, recent immigrant from Jugoslavia spoke no English. That was six years ago. Last week Pupil Elmer, about to graduate from highschool, was chosen valedicatorian of a class of 161. He spoke English with no accent. His address: "Alone I made my way . . . night school for aliens . . . patience of those teachers . . . who have led me out of a state of obscurity into an open sun-lit field where opportunities . . ."
/-"O my new flag, my new land, I salute thee."