Monday, Jan. 31, 1927
The White House Week
The White House Week
P: Senor Alejandro Cesar, newly appointed Minister of the Diaz Government of Nicaragua, presented, his credentials at the White House last week. President Coolidge told him that the U. S. marines would not stay in Nicaragua "longer than is necessary." P:As it must to some, rose fever came last week to President Coolidge. It causes a slight irritation in the membranes of his nose and throat. "It is not serious," said the physicians, "but it is annoying." P:Dover (N. J.) Lodge No. 541 of the Loyal Order of Moose invited President Coolidge to become a member. His secretary despatched the following polite refusal: ". . . He [the President] is not, however, a member of any fraternal organization,* and it is felt that while there is no question of the excellence of such an organization that is headed by Secretary of Labor James J. Davis, the appearance of discrimination, as the cause or much embarrassment, must be avoided, to maintain his present position." P:Chief Look Out and 20 lusty redskins of the Osage tribe came to the White House to present an eagle feather to their "Great White Father." P:The President asked Congress to appropriate $1,063,000 for the construction of additional helium plants (see p. 10). P:The President signed the appropriation bill for the Department of Agriculture. P:The President nominated Lincoln Dixon of Indiana, onetime Democratic Congressman, for membership on the Tariff Commission to replace Henry H. Glassie, Maryland Democrat.
*An error. Calvin Coolidge became a member of the college fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Amherst College. His Secretary should have said that he is not a Mason, an Elk, an Odd Fellow, a Woodman, etc.