Monday, Jan. 03, 1927

"One of Us"

Astute diplomats have long recognized the wisdom of granting enemies, within discretion, a share of the realm. Thus was built the Roman Empire of old. That it finally fell by its inclusions was only because it became effete during and not because of the process. Last week a most significant ceremony occurred in Rome, at the Cathedral of St. John Lateran (Roman Catholic). Protestant President Doumergue of France was inducted (by proxy) as Canon.* The ceremony, attended by the whole Cathedral chapter, was a revival, after 100 years, of a distinction once granted the kings of France. The delicate matter had been arranged between Foreign Minister Briand and Monsignor Maglione, Papal Nuncio at Paris, at whose overture not stated. But at prospect of improved relations between the Holy See and official France, the Vatican, patient, tireless for the Lord on high, rejoiced.

* In modern times, of course, a Canon need not be in residence. His duties, not sharply defined, are as advisory counsel to a Bishop.