Monday, Dec. 13, 1926
Benevolent Intervener
Last week Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg brought to a climax a hereditary role of U. S. Secretaries of State, the role of pacificator of Chile and Peru. With a tactful finality he tells Chile and Peru to forget their 40-year squabble and sell the provinces of Tacna and Arica to Bolivia, it being understood that he will use "his good offices" to promote such an agreement.
The provinces of Tacna and Arica, although not of immense economic value, have long been a cause and symbol of hatred between Chile and Peru. Bolivians have cast eager eyes at Tacna-Arica, but have not entered into their neighbors' dispute. Secretary Kellogg's scheme of settlement would give Bolivia a much-desired corridor to the sea and a port, the city of Arica. Then too, on the Morro promontory of Arica, Secretary Kellogg would like to see erected a monument to commemorate the healing of the Chile-Peru hate. Thus, everyone would be happy.
Response came from South America that Bolivia is willing to accept Secretary Kellogg's plan, that Chile is favorable.
Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Secretary Kellogg's document is that it is written in the first person with that kindly conceit which is so effective for successful diplomacy. For example, he writes at the beginning: "The Tacna-Arica controversy has engaged my closest attention ever since I assumed the duties of Secretary of State. All of my predecessors in this office during the past 40 years have followed with the deepest interest the varying phases of the problem, and several Secretaries, especially my immediate predecessor, Mr. Hughes, have been intimately concerned, as I have been, with the task of contributing, if possible, to its solution."