Monday, Dec. 06, 1926


Utterly out of the rut of "travel books"are two volumes, respectively about the Far East* and the Far North.** Aldous Huxley, a goggled-eyed aesthetic master at turning trifles into significant facts, sets forth the searing paradoxes which he constructed on a trip around the world featuring the Orient but including (and devastating) the U. S. The Scandinavian wanderers have caught uniquely well the healthy rural glow, the astounding civic progress and the insufferably"countrified" social life of Scandinavian.

4*JESTING PILATE -- Aldous Huxley-- Doran Doran ($3.00). 5**TWO VAGABONDS IN SWEDEN AND LAPLAND--Jan & Cora Gordon --Dodd, Mead ($5.00).