Monday, Dec. 06, 1926

Political Week

The Reichstag-- P:Learned from a "scoop" in the Berliner Tageblatt that the German Foreign Office secretly purchased the Monarchist Allgemeine Zeitung, last April, and has since warped its policy to support the Government while ostensibly maintaining its Monarchist (Opposition) character.

P:Heard Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann coolly admit that he had purchased the Allgemeine Zeitung with funds drawn from the "secret budget" of the Foreign Office, in the spending of which he enjoys the same liberty as a child does with the pennies in his private slotted china pig or rabbit. P:Applauded Dr. Stresemann when, in defending his foreign policy of bargaining France out of the Rhineland, he addressed the Allies by inference as follows:

"It would be incompatible with our entry into the League of Nations and the operation of the Locarno agreements to make the minor technical questions still at issue an excuse for burdening the German people with, a psychological weight such as the continuation of the Interallied Military Control Commission constitutes." P:Instructed Dr. Stresemann by a thumping majority to inquire into the possibility of having the question of German War guilt submitted for adjudication by the World Court.