Monday, Nov. 29, 1926
Had they been interviewed, some people who figured in last week's news might have related certain of their doings as follows:
William Sowden Sims, retired Rear Admiral: "Sitting peacefully in my home at Newport, R. I., last week, I was startled by a sudden crash at a window beside me. I leaped to my feet, ready for the worst. Upon the floor amid jagged splinters of glass lay a hawk as big as a Rhode Island
Red.* She was stunned. My fiery demeanor became compassionate. Gently I lifted her to the windowsill. Soon she regained consciousness; flew away, wobbly."
Capt. Hartley, S. S. Leviathan: "On the roughest passage of my ship's career, to Cherbourg last week, a white owl took refuge in a funnel on the ship, 1,000 miles from Newfoundland. I shall present it to the Bronx Zoo. The S. S. American Trader the same week picked up a white owl 600 miles at sea, and will adopt it as mascot. The coast of Maine has lately reported large numbers of white owls landing there, evidently driven by starvation from Arctic regions."
Roland H. Hartley, lumber-mag-rate, Governor of Washington: "To combat the recall movement (TIME, Nov. 1) started against me by friends of Dr. Henry Suzzallo, whom I had ousted as president of the University of Washington, I recently commenced publication of a little magazine called Hartley's Weekly. But I still am not without troubles. The other day, when walking past a high school building near the capitol, I heard a downy-cheeked, 14-year-old lad yell: 'There goes old Hartley--he's going to get it in the neck when the recall comes.' I stopped instantly to administer a thoroughgoing reprimand. Other youths gathered around me. Said I: 'If that's what you fellows are taught in school, you might as well get out and get to work.' Continuing to flay the insolence and ignorance of youth, I told them that 'the leading citizen of the state was entitled to be revered and honored for the office he held,' if not for the man."*
Margaret Haig 2nd Viscountess Rhondda, pioneer feminist peeress:/- "Motherhood is only a part time job,' said I last week. 'No woman,' I vigorously amplified, 'has a right to expect the community, whether through her father or in any other fashion, to keep her, if she is not giving her full day's work in return. If the small family has come to stay, then with it must come the realization that motherhood is no longer a full-time job--is not in itself sufficient to justify existence.' " The Right Honorable James Fitzalan Hope, Deputy-Speaker of the House of Commons: "In the absence of Speaker John Henry Whitley, I was presiding over the House last week. Lady Astor, who has never initiated legislation of any consequence but is often naggingly sarcastic, drew from Laborite George Lansbury a rebuke: 'The noble lady would be very much more respected if she would learn to hold her tongue.' As is my duty in maintaining the traditional British impartiality of the Chair, which differs from the U. S. practice of making it an office for political shunting, I rebuked Mr. Lansbury, saying: 'That is an improper remark. An honorable member should address the chair.' 'May I ask you then,' replied Mr. Lansbury, 'to invite the noble lady to hold her tongue?' Said I sternly: 'That is not a parliamentary expression. I hope it will not be repeated.' Later Lady Astor flayed Miss 'Wee Ellen' Wilkinson, Laborite, declaring: 'The honorable lady is one of those who shout: "We don't want peace in industry." 'The noble lady,' replied Miss Wilkinson, 'should not maliciously misquote me.' Later, as Lady Astor continued her jibes at the Laboritts-- Glasgow Socialist George Buchanan shouted: 'I will continue my speech if you will shut your mouth and listen. You might at least have some manners and sense. You can't stand truth. Just remember you're not dealing with your horses at Newmarket.' The noble lady subsided, and thereafter cried only 'Hear, hear!' during the session." Calvin Coolidge, President of the U. S.: "If a man makes a speech and then newsgatherers ask him to interpret it more specifically, some would say that they were either insolent or injudicious. Last week at my semiweekly conference with Washington correspondents, I was asked such a question about my World Court speech at Kansas City, Mo. (TIME, Nov. 22). In the role of Official Spokesman, I told them that I seek to make my public addresses so plain and to the point that they speak for themselves, hence I was disposed to make no comment on my recent speech."
William C. Redfield, onetime Secretary of Commerce in President Wilson's cabinet: " 'Not guilty,' said I as foreman of the Play Jury. The Captive may go on making money in New York as it did in Vienna, Berlin, Paris, as it was forbidden to do in Budapest. I can readily understand why many citizens were alarmed by the play. Its theme is the erotic passion between two women. Though unsung in the Homeric legends, Lesbianism* is mentioned frequently in the literature of later Greeks, as the opposite of prevalent paiderastia.
"Manhattan critics were high in their praise of The Captive. Said they: a play should be judged by its treatment. Oedipus Rex, unassailably great drama, is built upon a theme of incest, is not condemned as immoral and is often presented by college drama clubs. The Captive is written and produced in a thoroughly objective, artistic manner.
"My jury voted as follows: guilty, 6; not guilty, 5; noncommittal, 1. Nine votes are necessary to conviction. If convicted, The Captive would have been banned entirely. There was no question of expurgating particular passages. The members of my jury saw the play at different performances, singly. The reasons for their decisions varied. Said Juror Roy M. Hart, 32 Court Street, Brooklyn, lawyer: 'The play while not injurious to a mature person of balanced mind, may be injurious to the young.'
"Many a Manhattanite experienced alarm last week lest the Citizens Play Jury, to whose decisions the Actors Equity Association voluntarily defers, be accused of too great leniency to The Captive (a leniency arising from their Park Avenue culture) and find themselves ousted to be replaced by hard-boiled politically appointed jurors who would be shocked at nothing but the sure, fine and frank treatment of sex by such master dramatists as Ibsen, Brieux, Shaw."
George Bernard Shaw: "This past week I accepted the honor of the Nobel award for literature (TIME, Nov. 22) but at first refused the money, suggesting that the latter be used to encourage Anglo-Swedish intercourse in literature and art.* Then my telephone rang. I dislike telephones quite as much as Sir James Barrie (TIME, Nov. 15), and incidentally Kipling,/- so my secretary answered. Her talk so roused my curiosity that I finally took the receiver myself. A newsgatherer said the Nobel Award Committee had cabled that under the rules the money could not be used as I had suggested; that my action was interpreted as equivalent to rejection of the whole award. 'Well, well,' I chuckled. 'It appears as if I had started something.' Asked if I agreed with Sinclair Lewis who refused a certain U. S. Pulitzer prize, because he felt the committee incompetent, I said: 'I don't agree with any thing.' I added that I had never heard of the Pulitzer Prize before Mr. Lewis advertised it. 'Look here,' I remarked enthusiastically, 'let's have it out in the press ... as to whether awards are really good for literature. I certainly will be interested in the outcome. Suppose any U. S. millionaire, or a millionaire anywhere else, gets the idea of making awards, and the idea spreads--where may it end?' Later I heard that Nobel had made no provision for anyone refusing his money, but that the Swedish Academy had no objection to my spending it for Anglo-Swedish letters if I would do the spending. It was then reported I had 'accepted' the money."
Senator Etienne Clementel, one-time French Finance Minister: "President Doumergue last week officially opened a complete exhibition of my paintings at the Bernheim Galleries in Paris. I said I was nervous about the attitude of the critics, although Winston Churchill, Britain's finance minister, who is also a painter, would not have been. I have been devoted to painting since childhood, but my mother discouraged that career for me, and I went into finance and politics."*
Sir Robert Baden-Powell: "While South African Boy Scouts were acclaiming me at Johannesburg, Transvaal, last week, as the founder of their movement, I collapsed. Said Lady Baden-Powell to newsgatherers: 'Sir Robert is just worn out. There is nothing organically wrong with him.' "
Gustaf Adolf, Crown Prince of Sweden: "Crown Princess Louise and I learned while proceeding from Japan to India last week that our villa at Sofiero in the Duchy of Scania was entered recently by burglars who found that we had cannily removed to storage everything of value."
Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of the onetime War Kaiser: "Vera Cruz, Mexico, welcomed me last week when I arrived there on what I called entirely a personal pleasure trip. Commentators recalled that in 1902 I toured the U. S., amid enormous crowds, from whose frenzy of cordiality I was ably protected by Rear Admiral Robley D. ("Fighting Bob") Evans, my personal friend and official escort. To
Admiral Evans I once said 'What an extraordinary way of entertaining one's guest--sit him down and make speeches at him.' In Boston, I humorously suggested shooting a particularly windy speaker. In Chicago, I was guarded by eight policemen, dressed both night and day in evening clothes, including silk hats. Perhaps never before or since has U. S. society been so excitedly adulatory."
Erich Ludendorff, semi-Napoleonic Prussian war lord: " 'Amazing!' commented the Press last week on the details just revealed, by Dr. Edward Hjelf, onetime Finnish Minister to Berlin, of my escape from Germany in 1918, just before the revolution. Dr. Hjelf said that I, fearing for my life, appealed to him, through the Finnish Foreign Office, for protection. He went on to state that he secured for me a diplomatic passport in the name of one Ernest Lindstrom, Counselor of the Ministry. Another Finnish diplomat, named Lindblom, had just died, but few knew it, and Dr. Hjelf, saying he knew the passport name of Lindstrom would certainly be mistaken for Lindblom, calmly relates that he dressed me in business suit, felt hat, colored glasses, to look like Lindblom, and that I shaved my mustache to facilitate the transformation. Thus attired I am reported to have motored to the border in a diplomatic car, and to have expressed pleasure to Dr. Hjelf that it did not fly the red flag, emblem of Finland at that time. As is known, I did flee to Finland at the date in question, afterward proceeding to Sweden. As is also known, General von Hindenburg, my colleague, remained behind, though equally in danger, manfully cheering and bracing the army in the trying Armistice days."
*Species of hen. *Last year Governor Hartley telegraphed the Child Welfare Committee: "Child welfare--what is the matter with our children today? In my, opinion, they are being made to pay the penalty for an overabundance of altruistic twaddle. . . . What we need is to get back to the simplicity of the oldfashioned, truly American family circle, and to stop a lot of this uplift gush. . . ." /-With her father, Welsh coal king, she was passenger on the Lusitania when it was torpedoed, 1915. The father, who had twice refused a peerage, accepted one in 1918, and upon his death without son, the same year, Lady Rhondda succeeded to the title. She has since clamored for admission into the House of Lords, meanwhile directing her inherited businesses. *Poetess Sappho was reputedly a slave to this passion wherefore it is frequently termed "Lesbianism" after her Island. *Mr. Shaw's action is in line with that of President Theodore Roosevelt, who won the Nobel Peace Prize Dec. 10, 1906, for bringing about peace between Japan and Russia. Mr. Roosevelt devoted the $40,000 prize to a foundation for the promotion of industrial peace.
/-Dislike of telephones is also general among scholars. Samuel Marion Tucker, head of English in Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, refuses to have his telephone listed. Edward Everett Hale, head of English in Union College and son of the author of The Man Without a Country, refuses to have any telephone at all at department headquarters, and also excludes typewriters.
*Anatole France claimed that when as a youth he, France, was uncertain of choice between literature and science, his mother's maidservant said to him: "Take literature. You haven't the brains for science."