Monday, Nov. 22, 1926

Foul Means

Minister of Education Stefan Raditch, obstreperous leader of the Croat Opposition, called by his enemies "the political ape-clown" (TIME, Oct. 25), sought once more to disrupt the Cabinet of Premier Uzunovitch last week by a wanton flamboyance.

Cried Croat Raditch before a public gathering at Ogulin: "Premier Mussolini is an irresponsible fool! . . . The Italian people are gagged and enslaved. . . . The French are remaining calm because they know that Mussolini is a lunatic who must be humored. . . . Italy is under a worse despot today than in the time of Nero. . . . Conditions are worse than in Soviet Russia. A little group is prison warden for the nation. Each man spies upon his neighbor and nowhere is there security . . . . Mussolini will suffer the destiny to which he is doomed. . . ."

As is usual when Croat Raditch erupts, the Italian Government protested vigorously and Premier Uzunovitch of Jugoslavia apologized abjectly.