Monday, Nov. 22, 1926

Colonel House's Rival

After Dramatists Page, Gerard, Tumulty, House, comes Dramatist David Franklin Houston, onetime (1913-20) Secretary of Agriculture; thereafter (1920-21) Secretary of the Treasury, starring War President Wilson. Evidence appears that Secretary Houston stood high in the intimacy of the chief actor whom he served; was heard with respect above other voices at rehearsals; was telephoned for counsel in the night watches, after at least one performance.

Excerpts from the book:*

Thou art the man. "Colonel House asked me if I would consider going into the Cabinet. I did not take the inquiry very seriously. . . [Later] My commission had been signed, but up to that moment I had no direct word from the President, oral or written, that I was to be the Secretary of Agriculture. . . .

"Before Page's appointment was announced ... I said to him [Page]: 'Have you packed your trunk?' ... He said: 'But it can't be true. I have heard nothing direct from the President.' ... I said: 'All the same, you will soon be in London.' "

Colleagues. "Josephus Daniels [first Cabinet meeting] appeared to be hugely enjoying the experience. He was having sensations at the rate of a dozen a minute. He came toward me, exclaiming: 'Isn't it great? Isn't it wonderful?'

"I heard Bryan for more than two hours on the silver question. I discovered that one could drive a prairie schooner through any part of his argument and never scrape a fact or a sound statement."

Peace Hopes, 1914. "I could not forget that half the world was afire, and I could not assent to the President's view that the War was one 'whose causes cannot touch us.' "

Lusitania. "The German reply . . . contained a statement to the effect that a great liner had no right to sink so quickly. . . ."

Bryan Resigns. "Bryan continued: 'I go out into the dark. The President has the Prestige and the Power on his side. ... I have many friends who would die for me.' "

1916 Campaign. "I listened to the keynote speech of Senator Harding. It was long, conventional and dull; but he seemed to be very much pleased with it. ... It [the Republican party] believed 'in American policies at home and abroad.' This was very informing. It might have been interesting if it had . . . expressed belief in Italian policies at home and Japanese policies abroad."

Figures. "Our production in 1916 of the leading cereals . . . was comparatively low, aggregating 4,806,000,000 bushels, as against 6,010,000,000 for 1915. . . ."

Draft. "Mrs. Houston remarked that we seemed to be making many mistakes; a French officer rejoined that we did not invent any; the Allies had anticipated us."

Tea. "Mrs. Wilson wished me to call. ... I told her I had a cold. . . . She replied that . . . she would take a chance if I would. . . . She said the President wished me to be Secretary of the Treasury. ... I said 'I will dig stumps for him,.' . . . She said, 'That is very interesting. That is just what the President said you would say.' "

Last Days. " 'It will be very difficult for me said the President, 'to stand Mr Harding's English.'"

Estimate. "With the details of business the President was not intimately acquainted . . . but he had other tremendous, valuable powers. ... I have not been greatly impressed by the capacity of the practical businessman for statesmanship . . . the President was strikingly selfless . . . habitually took the long view . . . played for the verdict of history."

* EIGHT YEARS WITH WILSON'S CABINET--David F. Houston-- Doubleday, Page & Co. 2 vols. ($10).