Monday, Nov. 22, 1926
The White House Week
P: The President tested public opinion last week to see whether the country desires strong arm tactics against the anti-foreign land and oil laws of Mexico. The test consisted in a "leak" from the State Department to the effect that a very stiff note had been sent to the Calles government. When the note had been perused at Mexico City and had been declared no stiffer than usual by Foreign Secretary Saenz, the President had already received the benefit pf all that the newspapers could say on the subject of possible intervention. P: A tiny gold locket was presented to Mrs. Coolidge by Pierre Cartier and Jacques Worth, jewel potentates of France.
P: Mrs. Edith Nourse Rogers, Representative from Massachusetts, one of the four lady members of the House elected a fortnight ago, visited the White House to discuss the textile industry. She urged a Universal 48-hour week and lower freight rates.
P: The United States Daily, published in Washington, is perhaps the only newspaper in the country which literally prints all news of the Government, and a great deal which no other newspaper would consider news. It is a sort of Congressional Record for the entire Federal machinery, colorless, dispassionate. Last week President Coolidge congratulated David Lawrence, able Washington correspondent and president of the United States Daily, on his newspaper's comprehensive and diagrammatic survey of this machinery; said:
"Making a daily topical survey of all the bureaus pf the National Government, grouping related activities, is a work which will enable our citizens to understand and use the fine facilities the Congress provides for them."
The President's indorsement was unique in that this newspaper is published with expectations, however slight, of profit. It charges $15 per year for a subscription by mail, and accepts advertisements.
P: Returning from their jaunt to Kansas City, Mo., the President and Mrs. Coolidge launched into a busy social schedule; entertained the U. S. Ambassador to Mexico and Mrs. Sheffield, and later Col. George Harvey.
P: Fiddler John Wilder, 81, uncle of the President, came bustling up the White House drive at 6:45 a. m. The Coolidges entertained him with breakfast.