Monday, Nov. 08, 1926

Royalty Rambles

P:Her Majesty of Rumania learned that at Bucharest certain news organs formerly hostile to herself, have been expressing pride that

"America is prostrate before our Queen."

P:Simultaneously the local United Press correspondent at Kansas City, Mo., declared: "When President Coolidge comes to Kansas City to dedicate the $1,000,000 War memorial, Nov. 11, he will be the one and only attraction during his stay here, officers of the memorial association assert.

"If Queen Marie of Rumania, scheduled to arrive here at 6:15 p.m. the same day, should arrive a few hours earlier, she will have to wait until Kansas Citians have entertained President and Mrs. Coolidge and told them farewell before official recognition is taken of her visit."

P:At Ottawa, the capital of Canada, Her Majesty was. officially welcomed by the Governor General, Freeman Freeman-Thomas, Viscount Willingdon. Said Her Majesty, responding to the Governor General's set speech of greeting: "How do you do?"

P:At the Central Experimental Farms, just outside Ottawa, Queen Marie paused to read with attention a sign proclaiming that within a nearby enclosure an egg-laying contest was in progress.

P: The Queen, en route to Winnipeg on her 51st birthday, received the following cable from King Ferdinand I:

"Send you loving birthday wishes and greetings from Sinaia [royal palace] which is white with snow. Have had some days of real, perfect rest. Feeling so well that I am going downtown on Sunday. We are all extremely interested in the news from your journey and I am utterly pleased at your success. I hope your cold has gone. Don't overtire yourself. Fondest love from all."

P:After leaving Winnipeg, Canada, Her Majesty's train recrossed the border to Minneapolis. There Queen Marie slipped away after her official reception to a little Rumanian church barely able to accommodate 100 people. Kneeling, she prayed and afterward conversed with members of the congregation in Rumanian.

P:Her Majesty then set out across the plains of North Dakota. At Mandan she talked about babies jam-making with farmers' wives. At Medora Chief Red Tomahawk, he who had killed Sitting Bull, crowned Her Majesty Winyan Kipanki Win ("The Woman Who Was Waited For"). Said she as her train again snorted westward: "I have lived a whole lifetime of love today."