Monday, Oct. 25, 1926

Point with Pride

After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:

Water, coal, pressure and a secret. (P. 22.)

Gallantry in the Leviathan's engine-room. (P. 17.)

A square, an octagon, a ship, on black and magenta. (P. 20.)

An ice-pit gnawing at Orion, Hercules, Andromeda. (P. 22.)

8,500 generations without a death. (P. 34.)

"The flower that has budded from a deep sacramental life." (P. 28.)

A stuffy little man, like a bantam rooster. (P. 21.)

"Mountebanks and Thieves." (P. 19.)

A battered, snub-nosed taxicab. (P. 11.)

Fried chicken above Lake Erie. (P. 12.)