Monday, Oct. 25, 1926

Invalid Princes.

His Royal Highness Alfonso, Prince of the Asturias, Crown Prince of Spain, was declared last week to be an hemophile by Le Matin, one of the least sensational of Parisian dailies. Le Matin's assertion that Prince Alfonso is subject to uncontrollable hemorrhages, as was the late Tsarevitch Alexis of Russia, served merely to define the nature of an illness long known to exist. Among other of Prince Alfonso's royal traits is, of course, the hereditary pouting nether lip of the Bourbons.

Most unfortunately King Alfonso's second son, Prince Jaime, is afflicted with deafness.

For months it has been rumored that the probable incapacity of these princes to reign will cause the succession to be transferred to their younger brother, Prince Juan, now aged 13.