Monday, Oct. 25, 1926
In Pennsylvania
Republican Senator George W. Norris, whose Nebraskan voice no mind but his own can control, swung into Pennsylvania, campaigned for William Bauchop Wilson, onetime (1913-21) Secretary of Labor and now Democratic candidate for the Senate. Senator Norris was not so much for Mr. Wilson, able Wilson though he is, as against Congressman William S. Vare, winner in the great Republican slush-fund primary of last May. Piqued, Republican Manager William L. Mellon, nephew of the Secretary of the Treasury, called upon Senator Norris to go back home, to leave Keystoners to attend to their own business. Democrats deemed this a very weak retort from such an able man as Mr. Mellon to such a keen debater as Senator Norris, on such a vital subject as "corruption."