Monday, Oct. 11, 1926

Engaged. Marshall H. Stone, 23, son of Justice Harlan Fiske Stone of the U. S. Supreme Court; to Emmy M. Portmann, onetime Cleveland artist (see p. 8).

Licensed to Marry. Nettie, Samuel, and Leo Rosenblatt, children of famed Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt; to Harry Reiss, Clara Woloch and Doris Podoll respectively; in New York.

Married. James Blanchard Clews, head of Henry Clews & Co., Manhattan bankers; to Mary Ann Payne; in Manhattan.

Married. Elinor Balke, daughter of Walter Balke of the Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co. (billiard tables, radios, phonographs); to Morton L. Schwartz, Manhattan financier; in Manhattan.

Married. Mary Elizabeth Sutherland, daughter of Alien Property Custodian Howard Sutherland of West Virginia; to Stanley Raymond ("Bucky") Harris, Manager of the Washington baseball team; at Washington, D. C.

Among guests were the President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, Secretary of State and Mrs. Frank Billings Kellogg, Secretary of War Dwight Filley Davis, Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. William M. Jardine, Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court and Mrs. George Sutherland.

Died. Mrs. M. D. Hornsby, mother of Rogers Hornsby, manager and second baseman of the St. Louis Cardinals; in Austin, Tex., after having been an invalid for eleven years. Manager Hornsby, obeying his mother's dying request, proceeded to play in the world

Died. Dr. William Jewett Tucker, 87, President Emeritus of Dartmouth College; at Hanover, N. H., of heart disease. He received his sobriquet of "the great president" by bringing Dartmouth from the little "eleemosynary institution"-- of John Marshall's day to the great college that it had become when Dr. Tucker resigned in 1909. Died. Thor, 2, able retriever of golfer's dub-shots; at Briarcliff Lodge golf course, Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. Dog Thor was struck by an automobile when retrieving a ball--nevertheless brought it back to the golfer, wagged his tail, died.

--As it was termed in the famed Dartmouth College case.