Monday, Aug. 30, 1926
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
Behavior of a Colloidal Miscella.
121 journeys with a handbarrow full of stones.
Florence Damm, Helen Damm, Margaret Agnes Damm, Jeannette Damm, Gertrude Damm.
The narrowest house in Manhattan.
Two Irishmen at the bottom of a river.
A calm temperament, expectant of good.
Tales of Jesus told in a thin, reedy voice.
A royal Jap on a craggy Alp.
Mary Byram.
Having perused well the chronicle of the week, the Vigilant Patriot views with alarm:
... a yokel in a nightgown screaming . . .
Two raddle-faced ruffians in a waterfront saloon.
A man who is always right.
Terrestrial collywobbles.
Chutes choking with franked mail.
Jones, a public official who "votes right."
Flying haystacks near Romney Marsh.
Failure of the Ford entries to finish.
A Representative who has daubed no pretty picture; a Senator who has outdone Titian.
Every time a child eats a lollypop.
. . . alley-cats, hounds, rats.