Monday, Aug. 30, 1926


In Atherton, Kan., Mrs. E. T. Perry, rich lady, issued invitations for a wake. Several friends came and sat with the bereaved. Through 96 hours (four days and four nights) the corpse lay in its silk-lined coffin, the head on an embroidered pillow. Solemnly, Mrs. Perry related the deceased's virtues and exploits, beginning with the day in 1913 when she bought him, "the cunningest" French poodle puppy, in San Francisco; tearfully ending with her "dear Phil's" heart attack several months ago, his removal to a nursery adjoining her regal bedroom; his brave struggle for health, aided by veterinaries and a full-time nurse; his decline, his last look, his death. . . . The watchers filed behind Mrs. Perry to an ornate marble mausoleum on the Perry estate; bowed their heads during the rich lady's last farewell to her pet poodle. Tips

In Manhattan arrived from Deauville one Joseph Morrison, brother of Morris Morrison, Shakespearian actor, his passage paid by Al Jolson, comedian. On the boat Mr. Morrison, penniless, had frolicked. Now he called into his stateroom the ship's men who had served him, told them that he had no money. "But wait," he cried, opening his trunk. . . . His steward received a tuxedo, his "boots" every cravat except one. He gave every shirt except the one on his back to the bottle-boy, and the waiter was rewarded with a pair of cufflinks.


At White Plains, N. Y., Florence Damm, 21; Helen Damm, 16; Margaret Agnes Damm, 15; Jeannette and Gertrude Damm (twins), 14, the famed Damm sisters of Yonkers, N. Y., begged and obtained permission from a county judge to change their surname, testifying that it brought them ridicule and embarrassment, retarding their social life. Mrs. Damm, their mother, was proved dead; Damm, their father, was "missing." After due deliberation the Damm sisters had elected to be--and were when they left court--Gormans, one and all, in honor of a favorite uncle.


Mrs. Lillie Barber, sheriff of Texarkana, Ark., arose from bed, donned a kimono, opened the door in response to insistent ringing. The tall, dark, handsome man at the door spoke quietly, "Please lock me up. I have killed two men and wounded another."

Keenie Wagner, alias Harvey Logan, alias "Texas Slim," confessed killer of deputy-sheriff Mclntosh at McClain, Miss.; of two police officers at Kingsburg, Tenn., wagged garrulously of the $3,000 reward on his capture as Sheriff Lillie put him in a county cell. Asked why he surrendered, "Texas Slim" said: "The novelty.... I never gave up to a woman before."


In Sing Sing Penitentiary, N. Y., William Hoyer, Negro, waiting in the Death House to repay society for the slaughter of his wife and five-year-old daughter, availed himself of a standing privilege and composed the menu for his Death Feast, the last meal he would ever consume. Mr. Hoyer's menu:

"Long Island duck, mixed with one can of peas and one pint of olives, to be cooked into a brown stew and served with dumplings.

"Four slices of bread, boiled rice, tomato salad, strawberry shortcake, a pint of vanilla ice cream and raspberry soda.

"Twelve good cigars and a package of cigarets."