Monday, Aug. 16, 1926
Canadian Open
Toward evening of the third day's fighting, some 30 men sat silently thinking, and when the sun had dropped behind vast Mont Real they had reconsidered and restruck every swing and slash of the three-day battle and each knew why and just where he had lost the prize, but they could do nothing. Nothing except congratulate the winner, a freckled mite of a Scotsman, Macdonald Smith.
All admitted that he had won a mickle battle, forging from behind to the top of the press of contestants with daring-do worthy of a new champion. Sturdy Gene Sarazen, leader of the first day's match stepped forward, as did swart Johnny Farrell, ahead the second day, to shake the hand of wee Macdonald Smith, final victor on the third day, in the Canadian Open Golf Tournament last week. Came then the departing champion, nervous Leo Diegel, followed by many another Yankee guest and Canadian host, howbeit the latter had retained for themselves for best but seventh place.