Monday, Jun. 21, 1926

Read TIME from cover to cover, omitting this page. Return to this page, quiz yourself. He who correctly answers 20 or more of the questions, does well.

1) Why have U. S. embassies and legations been, bombed in Paris, Sofia, Lisbon, Buenos Aires, Montevidio? (P. 6.)

2) What caused mud to fall from the skies? (P. 29.)

3) Identify the Byng of "Byns-King." (P. 13.)

4) "Gentlemen, that has been done!" What, where? (P. 24.)

5) What was Painter Domenico Theotocopuli called? (P. 17.)

6) Who overruled Queen Mary's desire to give Miss Jessie Betts a lift? (P. 12.)

7) What characteristic of the education of the Middle Ages is increasingly apparent today? (P. 22.)

8) Who is the lady of Villa Toronia? (P. 13.)

9) What did Eunice see in the pond in front of the Congressional Library? (P. 5.)

10) Why were the hills of Garwhal poisoned with strychnine? (P. 29.)

11) Where is a taste for vodka reported to be developing? (P. 13.)

12) Approximately how many British coal miners were still unemployed last week? (P. 12.)

13) What symbol was ordered to be displayed at all Italian Universities? (P. 19.)

14) Where did Senhor Mello Franco weep? (P. 11.)

15) Name one of the four famed newspaper publishers in "Buffalo, this recreant town." (P. 17.)

16) How many cases of yellow fever occurred in both Americas in 1925? (P. 19.)

17) What would MIle. Lenglen do, when Miss Browne managed to return a difficult shot? (P. 21.)

18) What happened again to Dr. Work? (P. 6.)

19) What was proclaimed as street criers strode through Kabul? (P. 15.)

20) What St. Gaudens announcement elicited "Well, well!" from the art world? (P. 17.)

21) What famed phrase will probably be struck from the U. S. immigration code? (P. 8.)

22) Why send insane patients into a cafeteria? (P. 20.)

23) Who is probably the largest private railroad shareholder in the U.S.? (P. 26.)

24) What weighed heavily on the heart of the Sultan of Sulu? (P 10.)

25) Translate "Majestatsbeleidigung." (P. 14.)