Monday, Jun. 21, 1926

Rich Democrats

The Democratic National Committee, which came out of the election of 1924 with a deficit of about $300,000, last week filed with Congress (as required by law) a statement of its recent collections, showing that it had taken in $100,000, and giving its deficit as $262,000 on June 1. Some of those who paid the $100,000:

Thomas Fortune Ryan (N. Y.).... $25,000

Ralph Pulitzer (N. Y.).... 10,000

Norman H. Davis (N. Y.).... 6,500

John W. Davis (N. Y.).... 5,000

Cyrus H. McCormick (Ill.).... 5,000

Thomas L. Chadbourne (N. Y.).... 5,000

William Church Osborne (N. Y.).... 5,000

Charles A. Greathouse (Ind.).... 5,000

Jesse H. Jones (Tex.).... 5,000

Percy S. Strauss (N. Y.).... 5,000

H. H. Lehman (N. Y.).... 5,000

John Henry Kerby (Tex.).... 5,000

W. L .Clayton (Tex.).... 5,000