Monday, Jun. 21, 1926

Legislative Week

The Senate--

P: Debated farm relief with great energy. (See below.)

P: Passed several minor bills not requiring much debate.

P: Confirmed President Coolidge's 16 appointees to the board of tax appeals, after discussing them at length in secret session.

The House--

P: Passed several hundred private bills under a special "unanimous consent" agreement by which three adverse votes could defeat any measure.

P: Passed a bill to create 14 new Federal District Judges to relieve congestion in the courts. (Bill went to the Senate.)

P: Passed two bills, one making it illegal to buy Federal offices and the other requiring all future officeholders to file affidavits that they have not paid or promised anyone any "consideration" for his influence in procuring their jobs--bills to do away with the sale of postoffice jobs in the South by local politicians. (Bills went to the Senate.)

P: Passed a bill providing for deportation of alien criminals and aliens becoming public charges. (See IMMIGRATION.) (Bill went to the Senate.)