Monday, Jun. 14, 1926
New Editor, Old Chair
From the standpoint of multi-millionaire publishers, not only newspapers but editors are sometimes regarded as commodities that occasionally change hands. Last week Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar Curtis, secured a new editor for his Manhattan paper, the New York Evening Post. The man whom Mr. Curtis secured is Julian Mason, who violates all newspaper tradition by being an exceedingly well dressed man, the best dressed editor in the country.* But Mr. Mason is not simply a natty dresser. He brought the Chicago Evening Post to a high rank among the newspapers of that city, was then called to Manhattan to become managing editor of the Tribune, now the Herald Tribune, the prosperity of which has risen phenomenally under his regime.
Last week it was announced that Mr. Curtis had called him to become editor-in-chief of the New York Evening Post--the oldest and the smallest (in, circulation) newspaper of the Metropolis. Doubtless the salary is appropriate to the post--a post which has been filled by such famed editors as Alexander Hamilton, William Cullen Bryant, I Carl Schurz, E. L. Godkin, Horace White, Rollo Ogden. Said Editor-elect Mason: "I believe the property [newspaper] has an assured future."
*There are a number of well dressed publishers and business managers--among them notably Roy E. Howard, able head of the Scripps-Howard papers, who delights in smart waistcoats.