Monday, Jun. 14, 1926
Read TIME from cover to cover, omitting this page. Return to this page, quiz yourself. He who correctly answers 20 or more of the questions, does well.
1) Name one picture at the Paris spring salon. (P. 18.)
2) What, in the President's opinion, should now be done with Treasury surpluses? (P. 5.)
3) What soldier of the King tried to give smallpox to the Indians? (P. 22.)
4) Which is the biggest golf green in the world? (P. 28.)
5) For what Secretary of the Treasury did the Senate vote a statue? (P. 6.)
6) What famed Catholic expressed views last week at variance with those of many bishops? (P. 24.)
7) What is the name of the highest possible hand in the game of draw poker? (P. 7.)
8) What is the "Bratt system"? (P. 13.)
9) When (before last week) was the last time Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont spoke of Mrs. C. C. Catt? (P. 9.)
10) What edict of Augustus Caesar was last week put into effect? (P. 13.)
11) Name three countries in which slavery exists. (P. 11.)
12) Why did Theodore Valanzula cross the continent in a baggage car before he died in Los Angeles last week? (P. 19.)
13) What distiller owned this year's English Derby winner? (P. 26.)
14) Of what illegal traffic was Aedes egypti convicted? (P. 19.)
15) What is the estimated average profit per Ford car? (P. 34.)
16) Who is to be editor of the New York Evening Post? (P. 31.)
17) Where was Marshal Feng discovered last week? (P. 16.)
18) Who is this year's champion balloonist? (P. 20.)
19) What did A. D. Lasker fail to turn into money? (P. 36.)
20) What Senator did lowans reject? (P. 6.)
21) Who is Baron Lloyd? (P. 16.)
22) Where are girl mothers dying like flies, according to Mrs. Corbett Ashby? (P. 8.)
23) Where do they sing: "Oh, please don't set the piano on fire"? (P. 10.)
24) What member of the Cabinet last week bought himself a house in Washington? (P. 6.)
25) What issue made Germans call one another hogs, robbers, last week? (P. 13.)