Monday, Jun. 14, 1926

Personal Expenses

The Pennsylvania primary three weeks ago roused the Senate to begin an investigation of alleged excessive campaign expenditures (TIME, May 31, THE CONGRESS). Last week the candidates filed their individual expenses (the campaign committees had two weeks longer in which to file their schedules). In the race for the Senate, William S. Vare (Wet), the successful candidate in the primary, spent $71,435.80 out of his own pocket, Governor Pinchot who ran third spent $43,767.31 of his money, and Senator Pepper who ran second depleted his pocket only $2,500.

How the money went: Vare spent $30,000 for campaign letters, $12,000 for postage, $21,000 for printing, the remainder, for incidentals; Pinchot, $6,000 to his private secretary, who had leave of absence to manage his campaign, the rest mainly for letters and postage; Pepper, $2,500 contributed to his campaign committee.