Monday, Jun. 07, 1926
Read every department of TIME except this Quiz. Then turn back to page 31. Quiz yourself. To do well, you must correctly answer at least 80% of the questions.
1) Why did England's King cancel a special train? (P. 11.)
2) Where was there a schism among shadows ? What shadows ? (P. 11.)
3) Name the opera jointly written by Miss Millay and Mr. Taylor. (P. 20.)
4) Who is the hero of the party which won last week's election in Egypt? (P. 16.)
5) What procedure does Attorney General Sargent sometimes adopt when asked a question? (P. 7.)
6) What event was celebrated last week at Le Bourget? (P. 13.)
7) What was the Supreme Court's ruling on "segregated districts" for Negroes? (P. 18.)
8) "Dan is a blowed-up sucker." Who is Dan? (P. 9.)
9) What are studies called at Oxford? (P. 32.)
10) What fact about Genoa did Mussolini triumphantly proclaim? (P. 15.)
11) Who won the Freshman prize for English at Yale? (P. 10.)
12) What is the capital of the Republic of Great Lebanon ? (P. 13.)
13) What argument broke the strike of the Renault motor car workers? (P. 28.)
14) How did Abd-El-Krim finance his war so long? (P. 13.)
15) Why did onetime Senator Brookhart, campaigning in Iowa against Senator Cummins, denounce the Transportation Act? (P. 9.)
16) What new use for helium was announced? (P. 26.)
17) Who was elected Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (North)? (P. 22.)
18) By what means is it now legal, according to the Supreme Court, to exclude Negroes from a given locality? (P. 8.)
19) What current play has to do with an English public school? (P. 17.)
20) What did Empress Eugenie do for Manet? (P. 18.)
21) What Cabinet officer was hanged in effigy last week? (P. 8.)
22) In what guerrilla warfare was the U. S. engaged last week? (P. 6.)
23) Where met last week larkspurs, butterfly roses, orchids? (P. 6.)
24) From what event did Premier Briand's Cabinet gain prestige last week? (P. 13.)
25) Where was there to be seen last week a bell four stories high? (P. 10.)