Monday, Jun. 07, 1926
Pilsudski Touted
Marshal Josef Pilsudski, having overthrown the Polish Government by violence (TIME, May 24) and then quixotically refused to accept a higher office than his beloved Ministry of War (TIME, May 31), became last week a living yet piquantly legendary hero about whom "human interest" fabliaux were woven without stint and printed beneath lavish headlines.
Mme. Pilsudski. A chance remark dropped by the Marshal at Warsaw anent his family sent correspondents scurrying to interview his wife (second) at their white stone villa in the village of Suleiopek, 12 miles from the Capital. Tranquil Mme. Pilsudski, who lacks at least half her husband's 63 years, was discovered alone with her two daughters, Hedwig and Wanda, aged six and eight.
She said: "My husband was the most surprised man in Poland when the troops which he had called upon to protect him against his enemies swept him away at the head of a revolution. He literally dropped the book which he was reading and seized his sabre. I know that he is terribly dejected over the lives which have been lost. . . .
"Out here in the country his especial hobbies are the planting of apple trees and the care of his bees. He said to me only a few days ago that he could not understand how the drones can make all the other bees work. . . ."
Hedwig and Wanda. The Marshal's arrival at Suleiopek precipitated further revelations. To eager news gatherers he confided: "Hedwig's greatest joy is to run barefoot through the forest. Not long ago she ran through some mud and showed me proudly her dirty legs. . . .
"Wanda speaks only Polish. I well remember when I was a lad and had to talk Russian, Polish, French and German all at the same time. That is hard work for a child's brain. I will have my Wanda taught languages a little later.
Irresolution. At Warsaw the Marshal loomed as his usual swashbuckling but curiously irresolute self. Having performed the soldier's task of ousting by force the Wojciechowski-Witos regime, he continued plainly undecided as to his future course despite his announced presidential candidacy (TIME, May 31). Once, closely pressed by correspondents as to his plans, he changed the subject by a gargantuan roar of laughter. "WELL! Why don't you gentlemen all now take my picture? You see I am in a good humor!"
Dictatorship? The Marshal's puzzlement unquestionably arose from his deep-rooted wish to keep within constitutional bounds while compelling the Polish Parliament--a majority of whose members are his enemies--to elect as President of Poland either himself or one of his Socialist intimates--all naturally personae non gratae to the predominantly Conservative parliamentarians.
Pilsudski's military friends, per contra, continued to urge upon him the creation of an unconstitutional dictature with himself as dictator.
This confused situation became further muddled when the temporary Bartel Cabinet (controlled by Pilsudski) issued a declaration that "The country [i.e., Pilsudski] demands fundamental changes in the Constitution to eradicate misgovernment. . . . Pending such reforms the President of Poland must be given dictatorial powers. . . . The country demands dissolution of its Parliament in the interim."
Though this ambiguous pronouncement appeared to herald a dictatorship, the Polish Parliament assembled and elected Marshal Pilsudski President of Poland by a vote of 292 to 193.
With an astounding reversal of front, Pilsudski declined the presidency. Even in this his action was not clear-cut. He let is be known that he might accept, if again elected by a larger majority.
To vacillation he added an air of cowardice--seemed to cringe before threats made by his enemies to assassinate him if he accepted the presidency. In his letter declining that office he said: "I recall the tragic figure of the murdered President Nurutowicz I was unable to rescue him from his fate. I also will remember always the brutal attack that was made some time ago upon my own children.
"I request forgiveness for the disappointment I will bring to those supporting me, but my conscience will not permit me to accept this office."
During the 16th Century there settled at Pilsudi on the borders of Lithuania and Courland a family by the name of Guinette anciently potent in the late pagan era of Lithuania (14th Century).
The Guinettes altered their name to Pilsudski, and from them the Marshal claims descent.
His father inherited the estate of Zurov in the region of Vilna, Lithuania, and there he was born in 1863.
Educated by his mother and at the University of Kharkov, Russia, he developed Socialistic leanings, and finally incurred the suspicion of the Tsaral police, who secured his exile to Siberia (1887-92). In 1894 he and his first wife began secretly to publish Robotnik (The Workman), a Socialist propaganda organ, which was discovered by the Tsaral police in 1904, resulting in Pilsudski's imprisonment.
He escaped by feigning madness and began to organize "Exercise Corps" for the training of young Poles whom he hoped eventually to weld into an armed force which would liberate Poland from Russia.
The conservative temper of his Socialism was made evident from his speeches at that time: "As a Socialist I am averse to terror. I wish every man to see a brother in his neighbor." As everyone knows, Pilsudski remains a bluff, benevolent, illogical, fighting idealist.
Just before 1914 he had succeeded in creating a secret military organization The World War brought to him the opportunity of campaigning with these fanatically devoted troops against both Russian and Teutonic encroachment upon Poland. Eventually captured and imprisoned by the Germans at Magdeburg, he returned to Poland in 1918 to find himself her supreme military hero, though much of the work of liberating Poland which he inspired was performed by others.
Subsequently he was elected the President of Poland. He has continued to intermeddle in Polish affairs whenever he considered that "the politicians" as opposed to his beloved "army" were becoming corrupt or inefficient.