Monday, Jun. 07, 1926


What was interpreted as the opening of Senator Borah's campaign for the presidency in 1928 took place last week in Baltimore. The Senator addressed the Presbyterian General Assembly, discussed the demand of antiprohibitionists for a referendum and exclaimed:

"It is perfectly clear that that which is demanded can only be secured in one of two ways, either by repeal of the 18th Amendment or its complete and shameless violation, its utter nullification.

"That is the issue. That being the issue, there is only one course for a great and law-abiding people to pursue, and that is to live up to their constitution not only according to its terms as it stands but according to the method provided for amending it.

"I believe the liquor traffic to be a curse to the human family."

The Senator is said to see a unique place for himself as liberal, intellectual prohibitionist.