Monday, May. 31, 1926


The Reichstag adjourned last week until June 7 for its Whitsuntide holiday, after perfunctorily voting "confidence" in the new Marx Cabinet. (TIME, May 24.)

Chancellor Marx, famed as the exceedingly close runner-up to von Hindenburg in the last presidential election (TIME, May 4, 1925), made the following announcements to the Reichstag before it adjourned.

Flag Decision. The new Cabinet has decided to retain temporarily the mooted "flag order" (TiME, May 17 et seq.), as a result of which the Luther Cabinet fell. A new or compromise flag will be devised and submitted to the Reichstag by the Cabinet; but until that is approved or rejected all German consulates (except at inland European towns) will continue to fly the merchant marine flag (greatly resembling the old imperial flag) as well as the ordinary banner of the Reich.

Plebiscite. June 20 has been set by the Cabinet as the date for Germany's long heralded showdown between the Monarchists and the Left parties: the great plebiscite (TIME, Feb. 15 et seq.) to determine whether the Reich may retain without compensation property seized from onetime German nobility and royalty.