Monday, May. 10, 1926


Economic Conference. Thirty-seven statesmen, financial experts, industrialists, met at Geneva last week as the Preparatory Commission for the League of Nations Economic Conference (TIME, Sept. 28 et seq.)

Before these gentlemen* adjourned, they had created three committees which will apportion among subcommittees the subjects upon which research must be accumulated before the conference itself can take place.

The Committees: I. Agriculture, Finance and Population--the sub-committee on Agriculture to be chairmaned by Arthur W. Gilbert of Massachusetts. II. Industrial Production--upon which former U. S. Secretary of Agriculture David F. Houston will serve. III. Commerce and Marketing--chairmaned by Professor Allyn A. Young of Harvard.

Disarmament Conference. Late in the week delegates to the League of Nations Preparatory Disarmament Conference (TIME, Sept. 28 et seq.), scheduled for May 17, prepared to set out for Geneva.

On the S. S. Leviathan sailed the U. S. delegate, Hugh S. Gibson (U. S. Minister to Switzerland), accompanied by a staff of U. S. Army and Navy officers, among them genial Captain Adolphus Andrews, until recently (TIME, April 26 et seq., PRESIDENCY) skipper of the Presidential yacht Mayflower.

*They included: Pirelli (Italian, tires), Kroller (Dutch industrialist), Sir Arthur Balfour (British, steel), De Fontanelle (French, oil), Laemmers and young Stinnes of Germany, et al.