Monday, Mar. 29, 1926


To Manhattan from Riverside, Conn., came last week Dr. W. E. Dentinger to speak, at a meeting of the National Life Conservation Society at the Hotel Astor, on "Musico-therapy." Just the thing, he said, for hysteria. Ladies in the audience were asked to close their eyes, relax, while a pianist concealed from view played soothingly, monotonously, Schubert's Serenade, Vice President Dawes' Melody in A. Good for cows, too, he said, makes them give more milk (see MEDICINE, p. 28), makes hens lay more eggs, helped Saul's insanity, cured Gladstone's rheumatism. Fourteen Manhattan hospitals are using music in their tuberculosis wards, he said. "With proper care, diet, sanitation and music we can all live to be 150 years old!"