Monday, Mar. 29, 1926

The Legislative Week

The Senate--

Debated the Gooding "long and short haul" railroad bill.

Passed a bill to equalize the taxes collected from National banks and State banks by states having income tax laws. (Bill went to the House.)

Adopted a resolution of condolence with the President on the death of his father, and adjourned for a day as mark of respect.

Rejected without discussion or record vote the nomination of Wallace McCamant of Oregon (who nominated Calvin Coolidge for Vice President in 1920) to be a Federal Circuit Judge.

Passed independent offices appropriation bill. (Bill went to conference.)

The House--

Passed a bill appropriating $10,000,000 to be spent during five years for the construction of much-needed embassy and consular buildings in foreign countries, by vote of 198 to 45. (Bill went to the Senate.)

Passed the District of Columbia appropriation bill carrying $33,764,000. (Bill went to the Senate.)

Debated the Legislative appropriation bill.

Adopted a resolution of sympathy with the President on the death of his father.

Spent an afternoon devoted to eulogies of the late William Jennings Bryan, onetime Congressman from Nebraska.