Monday, Mar. 15, 1926
New Pictures
Irene. Colleen Moore has been blended into a story which in its day was one of the most popular of musical comedies. It is about a little girl who grew bored with poverty and Philadelphia, came to New York, and finally married a millionaire. Miss Moore is, as ever, keenly attractive, and the picture is medium good entertainment.
The Cave Man. The advent of a rough laborer into the apartment of a lazily rich woman starts off a fair comedy film. The rest shows how she washed him up and how he knocked a lot of people down.
Broken Hearts. The proverbial melancholy of the Russian Jew is herewith condensed into a motion picture with Maurice Schwartz principally cast. Mr. Schwartz is the notable leader of the Yiddish Art Theatre in Manhattan. He makes a pretty good movie actor, and has at least had the courage to play a picture which is all sorrow. It is about a Russian youth whose Russian wife came to life after he had remarried in America.
Let's Get Married. The typical Richard Dix comedy is out as usual. Mr. Dix plays a rich young man with a taste for fighting in night clubs. He is still strong, active and pleasing to the eye.