Monday, Mar. 01, 1926
New Pictures
Mare Nostrum. Ibanez' novel has been prepared in sumptuous detail by Rex Ingram. Many of the scenes were taken on the Mediterranean and most of these are of surpassing beauty. War takes up a good deal of the film, with Alice Terry playing the German spy. Submarine action is vigorously included. Despite certain lethargic stretches the film is easily the feature of the week.
Partners Again. Potash and Perlmutter, old friends, herewith entertain again and in the main uproariously. George Sidney and Alexander Carr are the actors. The plot tells how the partners went into the movies.
Dancing Mothers. No doubt Alice Joyce, Conway Tearle and Norman Trevor will attract their worshipers no matter what the play. This one is last year's stage play about a mother who decided to shame her daughter by dancing faster and drinking more. In the movies it is even worse.
Three Faces East. A mystery play of German espionage in London during the War makes moderately tense diversion. The principal spy is a lovely lady, impersonated by the tall and talented Jetta Goudal.