Monday, Feb. 22, 1926

The Legislative Week

The Senate

Adopted without debate a resolution requesting the President to call the anthracite miners and operators to the White House in an attempt to get them to settle the hard coal strike, by vote of 55 to 21. (Resolution went to the President.)

Passed the tax reduction bill with amendments made on the floor increasing the amount of tax reduction proposed from $350,000,000 to more than $450,000,000, by vote of 58 to 9. (Bill went to joint conference committee.)

The House

Passed a Mothers' Pension Bill for the relief of widows and orphans of the District of Columbia.

Passed a deficiency bill carrying $381,233,000 to make up deficits caused by tax refunds, etc. (Bill went to the Senate.)

Debated and amended the Army Appropriation Bill carrying $339,581,924, of which $261,081,169 is for actual military purposes.

Passed a bill continuing the life of the National Screw Thread Commission. (Bill went to the Senate.)