Monday, Feb. 01, 1926

At Wisconsin

"I am delighted," dictated President Glenn Frank of the University of Wisconsin one day last week, "to be able to announce the appointment of Alexander Meiklejohn as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Meiklejohn is one of the great and gifted teachers of this generation. I think Wisconsin is to be congratulated on his appointment. From him we expect productive scholarship and provocative teaching."

Wisconsin is at the moment planning a reorganization of its curricular and advisory systems. Dr. Meiklejohn will take his chair next month. He is sure to be asked to insert his liberal finger into the pedagogical pie, at least to the extent of describing changes he recommended and sought to introduce at Amherst, changes which were thought too revolutionary by the Amherst trustees and which necessitated his resignation as Amherst president in 1923. His incumbency at Wisconsin again postpones the advent of the "ideal college" which Dr. Meiklejohn hopes some day to found (TIME, Jan. 25).