Monday, Jan. 25, 1926

In Pittsburgh

On a street leading into Pittsburgh, a bus carrying a troupe of strolling players who present Uncle Tom's Cabin was hurrying. Other cars were hurrying likewise. One was a handsome limousine, with a banker reclining within; one was a scrap-iron truck, driven by a Negro. It was this truck, passing three automobiles coming toward it, that accidentally rammed one of them. There was a tremendous crash. Five other cars piled into the wreckage before they could stop. Among them were the strolling players, the handsome limousine. Little Eva was badly shaken. The two bloodhounds yelped with pain and rage. The banker emerged from his limousine with blood flowing from a gashed head--Mr. R. B. Mellon, President of the Mellon National Bank, brother of Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon.