Monday, Jan. 18, 1926
Home from 75,000 miles of travel up and down Africa, a British missionary brought news. A photograph showed a long, lean, brown-skinned form soaring high in the air, a good 12 in. over a bar which the photographer swore, upon his honor as a missionary, had been set at 6 ft. 6 in. The jumper was a Watusi or member of the highest caste in the African kingdom of Ruanda, a caste in which all the members are between six and seven feet tall. Had the Watusi shown been competing in a recognized track meet, he would have smashed by many an inch the present "world's record" of 6 ft. 8 5/16 in. (held by Harold M. Osborn of Illinois). Should the towering Watusi blackamoors ever send a picked team of runners and jumpers to the Olympic Games, great might be the havoc they could wreak.