Monday, Jan. 11, 1926
Bom. To Mrs. Herbert Hartley, wife of the famed and jovial captain of the Leviathan, a son (10 lb.); at Opelika, Ala.
Engaged. Maurice Mouvet, famed as "Maurice," perhaps the most notable of Manhattan's professional male ballroom dancers, successively dance teammate of Florence Walton, Leonora Hughes, and Barbara Bennett; to Miss Eleanore Ambrose, whom he has been grooming for his dance partner for some months.
Married. Miss Susan Brandeis, able barrister, daughter of Justice Brandeis of the U. S. Supreme Court, and partner in the legal firm of Benjamin S. Kirsh, to one Jacob H. Gilbert, likewise a Manhattan lawyer; at the meeting house of the Society for Ethical Culture, Manhattan.
Married. Miss Ruth Jones, niece of Chairman Alvan Markle of the Anthracite Strike Conference, who gave her in marriage to George Wright Peavey Heffelfinger of Minneapolis (wheat); in Hazelton, Pa.
Married. Barney Oldfield, 47, famed retired pilot of racing automobiles; to Hulda R. Braden, 35, at Beverly Hills, Calif., on the day following Mr. Oldfield's divorce at Los Angeles from his second wife.
Married. Miss Frances Davison, daughter of the late famed financier Henry Pomeroy Davison (partner in J. P. Morgan & Co. and Wartime head of the American Red Cross), sister of F. Trubee Davison (Chairman of the National Crime Commission), to Ward-Chney, son of famed silk merchant Charles Cheney; at Locust Valley, L. I.
Died. Sergei Yessenin, poet-husband of U. S. Dancer Isadora Duncan, a suicide at Leningrad.
Died. General Hsu Shu-cheng ("Little Hsu"), friend of Tuan Chijui (Chief Executive of China), shot to death at Langfang.
Died. Major General William H. Hart, 61, Quartermaster General of the U. S. Army; at Washington, of cancer of the stomach.
Died. The Dowager Queen Margherita of Italy; at Bordighera, Italian Riviera.