Monday, Jan. 11, 1926

New Pictures

Ben Hur. After years of experimentation and mishap Metro's massive version of this favorite novel has finally been released. It reveals what seems to be more scenery and more people than in any recent spectacle. Ramon Novarro plays the title part excellently. There have been several Ben Hurs in the films before this. Unquestionably this version is the most magnificent.

The Enchanted Hill. Another sound sample from the West appears with Jack Holt and Florence Vidor. It is the old and always interesting adventure of cattle rustling and shooting, complicated for novelty with airplanes.

Bluebeard's Seven Wives. A genial prod in the ribs of the movies, made by the movies themselves, is a healthy sign. Movies have too many times taken themselves seriously. This one is played by Ben Lyon, Lois Wilson, Blanche Sweet. The young man hops from a park bench to leading man and riches.

Lady Windermere's Fan. The difficult business of filming Oscar Wilde has been entrusted to Ernest Lubitsch with the assistance of Irene Rich, Ronald Coleman, Bert Lytell, May McAvoy. Perhaps the most exceptionally difficult task of the cinema is the transference to the screen of drawing-room comedy. Mr. Lubitsch has done it about as well as one could wish.