Monday, Nov. 16, 1925

In the Riff

At Targuist, little village on the northern slope of the Atlas Range, Abd-el-Krim, Riffian chief, was reported to be literally digging himself in for the winter. A subterranean refuge large enough to allow his automobile to enter and turn freely about has been constructed. And a star-shaped series of radiating trenches and dugouts extending for several miles has made of Targuist a stronghold which the Riffians are reported to consider impregnable. Cables assert that Abd-el-Krim has transported thither his treasures, arms, captives. Apparently Targuist is to replace Ajdir as his capital.

Torrential rains in the French sectors of Riffland brought all operations to such a complete standstill last week that Marshal Petain entrusted the High Command of the French forces to General Naulin and set out from Fez for Paris. To correspondents at Marseilles he remarked, "The military action is terminated. I now turn over the task to the statesmen."

Meanwhile the French command in Morocco is organized as follows:

General Naulin and the staff of the French High Command will winter at Rabat, on the Atlantic coastline, a few miles north of Casablanca. There they will be well out of the muck and unpleasantness, but at the same time on the direct railroad to Fez and the embroiled uplands. General Boichut, commanding the extreme southern end of the French line, will likewise be exceedingly comfortable at Algiers on the Mediterranean. Meanwhile General Marty will be marooned high and wet at Taza; and Generals Pruneau, Hergault and Billotte will occupy a series of sloshy, uncomfortable positions to the west and northwest. Cables announced that the U. S. "Sherifian Escadrille," which has been fighting the Riffians to the annoyance of Secretary Kellogg (TIME, Sept. 28, THE CABINET), has been "disbanded" and the airmen are returning to Paris. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Kerwood of the Escadrille declared not long ago (TIME, Oct. 19) that he and his comrades will reassemble in Morocco as soon as rains slacken enough to permit effective flying.