Monday, Nov. 02, 1925
Atheists Snubbed
Justice Mitchell of the Supreme Court of New York sat in his courtroom and read a paper--an application for the forming of a corporation. When he had finished he announced:
"The application is denied, and instead of returning this application to Mr. Smith [the applicant] you [the Clerk of the Court] will have it filed in the County Clerk's office as a permanent record."
Justice Mitchell said afterwards to a reporter: "I consider incorporation of a society with such purposes highly improper."
The application said in part:
"The particular object for which this corporation is formed is as follows: To abolish the belief in God together with all forms of religion based on that belief. In prosecuting its work, which shall be purely destructive, a radio station shall be erected for the delivery and broadcasting of lectures, debates and discussions on the subjects of science and religion, and it shall publish and distribute scientific and anti-religious literature and conduct a general propaganda against the church and the clergy.
"Specializing in mental reconstruction, the society shall contribute to the building of a better civilization by operating as a wrecking company, leaving to others the designing and establishing of the new order. Especially shall it endeavor to free American scientists and statesmen from the necessity for patronizing religion."
Said Dr. John Roach Straton, militant Baptist fundamentalist clergyman: "Religion is the foundation of the State and the only bond for decent and orderly society. Anything seeking to overthrow the church is a scoffing at the foundation of government itself. The action of Mr. Justice Mitchell is very wise and very just."
Said Dr. A. Wakefield Slaten, Unitarian clergymen: "The American guarantee of religious freedom means the atheists have the same right to organize for promotion of their views that other citizens have. Atheism is not immoral and no stigma attaches to it."
Said Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for Mayor of New York City: "Such a decision certainly is a violation of the right of every American citizen to promulgate religion, for that right certainly includes the right to promulgate atheism. When a group of persons take up atheism and wish to convert others to it, then atheism itself becomes a religion and all the rights concerning religious freedom apply to it."