Monday, Oct. 19, 1925

Cohasset Carillon

Last week it was announced that the famed Rockefeller carillon (TIME, Oct. 5) of the Park Avenue Baptist Church would broadcast programs over WJZ, New York. Each program will end with "The Star Spangled Banner" or "America."

Few people who have read about the much-touted Park Avenue chimes may be aware that there is another carillon, made by the same English bell foundry, only slightly inferior in range of bells, in St. Stephen's Church, Cohasset, Mass. Kam Lefevere is carilloneur. For some two years he has given concerts of carillon music on Sunday afternoons when the weather is warm. In place of a worthy patriotic air, Mr. Lefevere has a way of ending with a fantasia by Benoit, a carillon arrangement of Schubert or Rubenstein or his own graceful "Preludium."