Monday, Oct. 19, 1925
Of late M. Semashko, Soviet Commissar of Health, has been troubled by the thought that Lenin is dead, Trotzky is greying and the Soviets are not producing new brain power at an overwhelming rate. Seeking a remedy for this state of affairs he was last week reported to have visited Dr. Serge Voronoff, French gland specialist, and to have "assisted at a successful rejuvenation operation performed upon Klara Zetkin," 68, famed "Grandmother of German Communism" and member of the German Reichstag.
Triumphant and filled with a new hope, the enterprising Commissar declared: "If the success of these operations continues, the world revolution will take on a new lease of life. . . .Communism must do everything possible to preserve for the cause experienced fighters who may be on the point of dying of old age."