Monday, Oct. 19, 1925
Senator Harreld's Protest
Lincoln C. Andrews is Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. He is in charge of Prohibition enforcement. He was put in charge to take the Prohibition unit out of politics. In so doing he appointed Herbert H. White Prohibition Administrator at Fort Worth, with jurisdiction over Oklahoma. Mr. White ousted from office Prohibition agent, the Rev. Mr. Thoroughman* of Lawton, Okla. Several churches objected. Last week the following letter from U. S. Senator Harreld, Republican of Oklahoma, to Mr. Andrews was made public:
I was rather favorably impressed with Mr. White, the director at Fort Worth, when I met him, and told him that I would not be unduly active in promoting any candidate for appointment as enforcement officer, but I do insist that neither you nor he should do anything which will injure my standing in the state in which I live and endanger my chances for re-election in the coming campaign.
I had thought I would try not to have anything to do with these appointments or removals, but I find there is no way I can evade this responsibility, and I shall continue to exercise my right to express my approval or disapproval of the acts of your department in these particulars.
The circumstances in this case show that it will be impossible to keep peace in the Republican party in Oklahoma unless Senator Pine and myself are consulted about these appointments and removals and I feel it but fair to say to you in advance that we shall expect this courtesy from your department.
*Said The New York Times: "This person's name should have protected him. It seems to come from Pilgrim's Progress."