Monday, Oct. 12, 1925
Lashed by equinoctial gales in and out of harbor along the Greenland coast, the ships Bowdoin and Peary, homing from Etah with Commander Donald B. MacMillan,
(TIME, June 22 et seq.), last week crossed icy Davis Strait to Jack Lane's Bay, Labrador. The Bow-doiris forecastle was awash, a 400-lb. drum of gasoline had been swept overboard, a rare specimen or two collected by Naturalist Walter N. Koelz had been lost; but all hands were well and happy to be in touch once more with their home continent. The Peary, with the expedition's Navy seaplanes lashed on deck, had fared similarly. Nosing on southward, the Bowdoin ran aground, snapped her mainsail gaff in a sharp squall. At last the buildings of the Grenfell Mission loomed on the shore of Battle Harbor. After a brief stop there, the pilgrims pushed off on their journey's last leg for Wiscasset, Me., bringing with them no news of a new continent below the Pole, but an exotic story of soaring over mile upon murderous mile of glacier-ridden Arctic fastnessess, and scientific data for future aerial polar exploration.