Monday, Oct. 05, 1925
Sunday Nights
Creators of comic strips have done much with the Sunday Night idea; what could be better material? Papa in his stocking feet; Mama in a temper; horrible noises rising around from huge-mouthed canary birds, thrown vases, dying pet; "Awk," "Tweet-Tweet," "Glub-Glub," "Plunk," "Zowie."
Last week A. Atwater Kent, manufacturer of radio apparatus, proposed to substitute for the comic stripper's idea of Sunday night another vision--that of a smiling Mama, Papa, infant, listening to the sounds that issue from an Atwater Kent radio. And the sounds, too, would be different. In place of the comic stripper's unnamable babble, would ring the voices of Louise Homer, Anna Case, Edward Johnson, Mabel Garrison, Reinald Werrenrath, Frieda Hempel, the instruments of Toscha Seidel, Mischa Levitzki, the New York State Symphony Orchestra. These artists have already been engaged. Mr. Kent will pay them. The American Telephone & Telegraph Co. will do the broadcasting from WEAF and others of its stations. If phonograph companies consent, other artists now bound by contract will sing on Sunday nights, beginning on Oct. 4, stopping on May Day.