Monday, Oct. 05, 1925


In Folsom, Calif., one Lleieus- szuieuszesszes Willihiminizzissteiz-zii Hurrizzissteizzii was convicted of arson, was classed as an undesirable alien, sent back to his home country, Siam.

Diving Horses

At the Topsfield Fair in Boston a fortnight ago, two sleek, kindly horses--a white and a chestnut-- followed a young woman up a runway to a diving platform. Below, an announcer was explaining how these Percherons had never been shod with iron to pull men's burdens, but as foals followed their dams over water-drops that grew as they acquired boldness, how lumps of sugar had substituted for whips in their training. On the runway, 60 feet up, the horses whinnied softly, and pushed their noses at electric light bulbs which they mistook for golden pears. A girl touched the leader on the flank. The horse stretched on the runway like a great cat, launched its four hoofs into the air and, for an imperceptible second, hung suspended so, in the image of Pegasus, a steed thrown sunward-- then curved heavily, fiercely down burying its gloss in the brown water of a tank to the noise of a splash, a drum stroke, a great shout. Said the showman: "Often agents of the Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have come to stop us, and many have left saying that in their opinion this is the most beautiful animal act they have ever witnessed."


In Covent Garden, England, a cockney porter piled 20 round baskets on top of each other, lifted them, quaking and jiggling, while a vulgar mob disguised its awe under facetiousness, placed them upon his head and, with crossed legs, balanced so, while a camera snapped. ... a record.