Monday, Sep. 28, 1925

'Whither England?''

Leon Trotzky has written another book-- Whither England? He repudiates any wish to spread revolutionary propaganda: "To accuse me of such a desire . . . would be equivalent to accusing an astronomer of bringing about an eclipse because he has predicted its occurrence."

Astronomer Trotzky then proceeds to predict. To the U. S. edition* of his book, he has added a supplementary preface in which he predicts that "New York, Wall Street, Morgan and Dawes are driving the world, and especially England, straight into the arms of Red revolution. The U. S. can expand only at the expense of other exporting countries, especially England . . . The Communist International is almost conservative as a breeder of revolutions compared with Wall Street."

* International Publishers, No. 381 Fourth Ave., New York City. -