Monday, Sep. 14, 1925
Engaged. Monica Borglum, niece of Sculptor Gutzon Borglum and daughter of the late Sculptor Solon H. Borglum, to A. M. Davies of London, onetime officer in the Royal Air Force, son of Sir. A. T. Davies, permanent Secretary for Welsh Education.
Died. Commander Zachary Lansdowne, 39, of the Shenandoah and 13 other officers and enlisted men. members of the airship's crew; in southern Ohio, killed in performance of duty. (See Page 31.)
Died, Reginald Vanderbilt, 44, famed millionaire-sportsman; at Newport, of a throat infection.
Died. Robert Y. Thomas Jr., for 16 years a Democratic Congressman. Famed for his pugnacity, he was once accused of drawing a knife on a House doorkeeper; at Red Boiling Spring, Tenn., of "complicated diseases of the liver."
Died. Edward R. Stettinius, 60, partner in J. P. Morgan & Co.; in Locust Valley, L. I., of a cerebral embolism. (See Page 30, BUSINESS.)
Died. Rene Viviani, 62 French Statesman (Premier in 1914), noted attorney, creator with Briand and Millerand in 1904 of the Republican Socialist Party, enlightened and patriotic pacifist, member of the Briand "Sacred Union" the War Cabinet which included every then living former Premier, "as an orator unequaled in the history of France"; of "complete collapse following illness", at the Malmaison Sanitarium.
Died. Dr. Peter Spahn, 71, sometime Oberlandesgerichts-praesident (Presiding Judge of a Court of Appeals), leader of the German Centrum or Catholic Party, former President of the Reichstag and former Prussian Minister of Justice; at Bad-Wildungen, in Waldeck. In August, 1917, he became famed for his utterance: "The non-commissioned officer is the representative of God."
Died. Kate Meek, 87, actress, "for more than 60 years a notable figure in the American theatre"; in New York City. She was the Elsie Janis of Civil War soldier-entertainment. After the War, she supported Edwin Booth and others of the renowned Ford's Theatre Stock Company in Baltimore. For 19 years she was employed by the late Charles Frohman. She supported Charlotte Cushman, Joseph Jefferson, Edwin Booth, Maude Adams, John Drew, William Gillette, Otis Skinner, Billie Burke. She last appeared in 1913, with Alia Nazimova, in The Marionettes.
Died. The Rev. Dr. Alfred P. Botsford, 98, "oldest alumnus of Princeton University" and "second oldest college graduate in the U. S."; at Woodbury, N. J. Twice married, he was active in the Presbyterian Ministry up to his 70th year.