Monday, Sep. 14, 1925

In Bolivia

Juan Bautista Saavedra, President by title and dictator by power, snapped the whip. Part of the Bolivian Congress howled, but his bidding was done. A bill was passed annulling the election of Jose Gabino Villanueva and Abdon Saavedra (brother of the President-Dictator) as President and Vice President respectively.

Last May President Saavedra, having held office for five years since a revolution put him in power, decided to have an election. He picked a member of the Liberal (Opposition) party for President (Senor Villanueva it was) and his brother for Vice President. They won at the polls.

But although President Saavedra thought he could rely on Villanueva, who had been his Minister of Education and Agriculture, he was mistaken. Instead of picking a Cabinet from the Saavedra faction, Villanueva decided to choose a coalition cabinet, three Liberals, three Republicans (Saavedrists).

But with foresight President Saavedra had assembled 6,000 troops at La Paz and he was able to "postpone" the inauguration of Villanueva (TIME, Sept. 7) while he cast about for means of ousting him. The means were found.

Senor Villanueva had failed to resign as Minister of Education six months before the election took place. Manifestly he was ineligible for office. It happened that the Dictator's brother had not resigned as prefect of his department (Governor of a state--an appointive office). So he too had to be sacrificed.

President Saavedra is to turn over the Government to President of the Senate, Felipe Guzman (a member of his faction), who will call a special election in December. The President then elected is to take office Jan. 10. Meanwhile Senor Saavedra continues to rule Bolivia in fact, if not in name.